Cookie's Comments

Cookie's Comments

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Another Pee Ess

After mum posts my blog, she remembers things!!

This time she wanted to comment on the horrific things that have been happening in France.  She told me about 9/11 when she was living in Connecticut.  She was hosting msn gaming site Scrabble Tournaments (as Tricki_Wu) and her tournies were fun tournies on Tuesdays.  She hummed and hawed as to whether to hold the tourney, but after xchanging messages with others, she decided to hold it.  She got over 40 contestants (the most she usually got were 20-25) and several of these were people who normally did not play in tourneys -- including one person she had known for ages online.  He (and several others) commented that they decided to come and play because the news all day had been so depressing, and they just wanted to "get away" from it for a couple of hours.  So, although all of these terrorist thingies are so awful, we as furry friends need to luv on our peeps and let them know that (especially here in Blogville) we are all good buddies.


  1. Hari OM
    Sorry to hear that things not going too well on the courtcase thing - and more surgery stuff.... keep strong Cookie, your mum needs that luvin' and if you have enough to spread around as per this post too... good on ya darlin'!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. We are proud of your Mom We have to keep living our lives or the bad people win

  3. We are very sad about what happened in France and it is hard to believe we just blogged about Peace. I thing the fun distraction is a grand idea! Hey, I sent the Mom and email.
