I have been trying to get mum on the puter for ages, but for reason or other it doesn't happen..
I am going to make this exceptionally short cos I really only want to make sure it is working properly and also because it is almost $2:30 am!!!!!
Nest thing mum has to remem ber is how to post pics of me!!
ttfn and toodle pip
Cookie's Comments
Cookie's Comments

Monday, December 3, 2018
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Last Thursday mum had to go and have an MRI on her neck. Gayle had been sick earlier in the week so her days were all mixed up. When mum got home at about 2:30 she was worried because I was not barking and running to meet her. She searched all of my hiding spots; but could not find me. She started to panic, thinking that I got out when she was going out. She had just called Uncle Vic and he said he would come over and help search for me when the door opened and Gayle walked in with me!!!!!! Tee hee and LOL
For the non-Limeys out there -- Guy Fawkes was the person who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament but was caught before he was able to. When mum was a kid over in the UK for about a month before November 5, kids used to stand at tube station entrances with a "guy" and ask for "penny for the guy" and then on the 5th they would buy fireworks and there would be celebrations with bonfires and fireworks.
Mum has a doctor's appointment and has to get ready to be picked up. She SAID she will write more tomorrow when she has time.
so, toodle pip and ta ta
For the non-Limeys out there -- Guy Fawkes was the person who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament but was caught before he was able to. When mum was a kid over in the UK for about a month before November 5, kids used to stand at tube station entrances with a "guy" and ask for "penny for the guy" and then on the 5th they would buy fireworks and there would be celebrations with bonfires and fireworks.
Mum has a doctor's appointment and has to get ready to be picked up. She SAID she will write more tomorrow when she has time.
so, toodle pip and ta ta
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Mum's caregiver, Gayle, is here and helped mum FINALLY to post on my blog!!!!!!!! Amber da Weeni'es mom and my mum have been trying to get together on the phone to do it since Uncle Vic messed up mum's PC!!!!! Also, for the past two days, mum has been trying to order our food, etc. from one of the Grocery stores. Yesterday she couldn't get anywhere wit hit. Today after half an hour on the phone and being Chewy and got the order placed the order in les than 10 minutes!!!!
Anyway -- other things have been going on here -- mum has nicknamed me "Tubby" -- she SAYS its because I hide in the bathtub when it storms -- but when we went for my shots, I overheard the vet say I needed to lose some weight!!!!!!!! WOOF WOOF WOOF
Thhere have been other things going on, but for now I will not bore you with it!!! Will try to get som pics on here next ime
Hope you have missed me
ta ta and ttfn
Anyway -- other things have been going on here -- mum has nicknamed me "Tubby" -- she SAYS its because I hide in the bathtub when it storms -- but when we went for my shots, I overheard the vet say I needed to lose some weight!!!!!!!! WOOF WOOF WOOF
Thhere have been other things going on, but for now I will not bore you with it!!! Will try to get som pics on here next ime
Hope you have missed me
ta ta and ttfn
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
For those of you who thought we had disappeared into the internet cloud, I would like to blame mum for not being able to access my blog!!!!!!! Although we were reading other blogs, we are upset that so many of the "old timers" do not seem to be blogging here -- for example Frankie and Ernie and Gospel of Goose (although we know that it is Buddy now and not Goose any more). Mum has been in touch with Amber da weenie's mum and for anyone who does no yet know it they have a new Puppy addition. I have seen pics of Lexie and she is really cute!!!!
Not too much doing around here lately. It has been toooooo hot for Gayle (or mum for that matter) to take me out after about noon. I have been very good at not waking me up too early. Mum has started taking her pool therapy classes (finally) and although she has only been to 1 so far, likes it. She had another appointment for tomorrow mornine -- she has already told me to make sure I wake her up in time!!!! One day last week, she went back to bed at about 4:30 and planned to get up around 6 for a doctor's appointment. She slept until 10:30!!!!!!!!! Because he had left her phone in the living room she did not get the call from the doctor or the van company!!!!! Thank goodness this doctor does not charged for missed appointments!!!!!
The day after Memorial Day Uncle Vic had to take Coco to the Vet to have a (huge) upper tooth remained. The vet is just around the corner to me so he (Uncle Vic) came over here to wait. Mum knew he was doing some updates on the laptop, but was not too concerned because years ago when they lived together, after many arguments, she had gotten him to not change too many basic things (such as the icons on the desktop). Well, obviously he forgot all of this and made quite a few changes -- one of which was doing something so that mum was unable to figure out how to post on my blog!!!!!!! Finally, after some help from Amber the weenie's mom and my mum working on it, she FINALLY was able to access this blog!!!!! That is really the reason why mum did not blog -- but this morning for some reason she was able to post.
Mum is telling me we have to get off here 'cos she has things to get done and also 'cos her typing is getting REALLY bad!!!!!! I promise I well not have such a biiiiiig break before my next blog.
Incidentally, for those if you who have read mum's anecdotes from her days yore, please let us know. I you really do not want to read of her childhood in (post WWII) London, let me know and I will make sure she doesn't make any more of them
Well, ttfn and toodle pip
Not too much doing around here lately. It has been toooooo hot for Gayle (or mum for that matter) to take me out after about noon. I have been very good at not waking me up too early. Mum has started taking her pool therapy classes (finally) and although she has only been to 1 so far, likes it. She had another appointment for tomorrow mornine -- she has already told me to make sure I wake her up in time!!!! One day last week, she went back to bed at about 4:30 and planned to get up around 6 for a doctor's appointment. She slept until 10:30!!!!!!!!! Because he had left her phone in the living room she did not get the call from the doctor or the van company!!!!! Thank goodness this doctor does not charged for missed appointments!!!!!
The day after Memorial Day Uncle Vic had to take Coco to the Vet to have a (huge) upper tooth remained. The vet is just around the corner to me so he (Uncle Vic) came over here to wait. Mum knew he was doing some updates on the laptop, but was not too concerned because years ago when they lived together, after many arguments, she had gotten him to not change too many basic things (such as the icons on the desktop). Well, obviously he forgot all of this and made quite a few changes -- one of which was doing something so that mum was unable to figure out how to post on my blog!!!!!!! Finally, after some help from Amber the weenie's mom and my mum working on it, she FINALLY was able to access this blog!!!!! That is really the reason why mum did not blog -- but this morning for some reason she was able to post.
Mum is telling me we have to get off here 'cos she has things to get done and also 'cos her typing is getting REALLY bad!!!!!! I promise I well not have such a biiiiiig break before my next blog.
Incidentally, for those if you who have read mum's anecdotes from her days yore, please let us know. I you really do not want to read of her childhood in (post WWII) London, let me know and I will make sure she doesn't make any more of them
Well, ttfn and toodle pip
Thursday, May 3, 2018
I have company
I finally got mum on the computer to do a post for me.
Uncle Vic, Coco and her kitties (Cubby and Kiki) have come over to spend the day because there apartment has the exterminators and they are replacing the carpet with laminate!!!! The kitties are still in their carriers cause otherwise we will never get them back in -- they will hide and we wont be able to find them!!!!! Uncle Vic is sitting in the older reclining and because he is watching what HE wants, mum decided to pay bills and visit her bloggy friends!!!!
Anyway, a few things have happened -- a couple of weeks ago I had the sickies -- I threw up in the apartment several times and also tried to poop, but couldn't. Anyway, when gayle came over, she made me chickn and rice, an so I got over it quite quickly. I REALLY like Gayle -- When she comes over, she always takes for a walk and yesterday she took me to our rebuilt dog park. Mum cannot take me there because there is a big curb and mum has spoken with management -- they are trying to get the builders to come back and put a ramp.
the weather her is really nice -- it is cool in the morning when mum takes me out and then warms up but she has not really had to turn the a/c on much.
Well, nothing really exciting ha happened -- hopefully I will be able o make mum write some more of her memories from her childhood when growing up in London.
Untill next time:
ttfn and toodle pip
Uncle Vic, Coco and her kitties (Cubby and Kiki) have come over to spend the day because there apartment has the exterminators and they are replacing the carpet with laminate!!!! The kitties are still in their carriers cause otherwise we will never get them back in -- they will hide and we wont be able to find them!!!!! Uncle Vic is sitting in the older reclining and because he is watching what HE wants, mum decided to pay bills and visit her bloggy friends!!!!
Anyway, a few things have happened -- a couple of weeks ago I had the sickies -- I threw up in the apartment several times and also tried to poop, but couldn't. Anyway, when gayle came over, she made me chickn and rice, an so I got over it quite quickly. I REALLY like Gayle -- When she comes over, she always takes for a walk and yesterday she took me to our rebuilt dog park. Mum cannot take me there because there is a big curb and mum has spoken with management -- they are trying to get the builders to come back and put a ramp.
the weather her is really nice -- it is cool in the morning when mum takes me out and then warms up but she has not really had to turn the a/c on much.
Well, nothing really exciting ha happened -- hopefully I will be able o make mum write some more of her memories from her childhood when growing up in London.
Untill next time:
ttfn and toodle pip
Monday, April 9, 2018
Mum tried to get me to not write this, but I told her that because she has not taken me on many adventures recently (she says it's too hot for my poor little paws on the sidewalk) then I HAVE to tell everyone in Blogville what happened!!! On Sunday morning when we went out for my walkies, Mum insists she put her cellphone in her pants pocket. However, when we got back home, she could not find it!!! I was VERY annoyed with her!! Anyway that afternoon she went to Verizon to get a new one -- of course, I could not go -- again because it was getting quite hot out!! It took ages to get the phone and have it setup. She got a new iPhone -- but this time he did not get ANY freebies with it (last time she got a case, screen cover and stylus as gifts). The salesman offered her the case and screen protector at a charge of $49 and $39, respectively. She very nicely told him "thanks but no thanks". On the way home she stopped in at this meat/deli store and bought me 10 frozen marrow bones (which they cut specially for me, after mum told them what a good doggie I am (ROFLMAO).
Anyway. all of her phone numbers transferred over, but none of the photos!!! Guess she will have to take more pics of us all.
Yesterday (Monday) mum went to see the Bariatric Doctor who did her gastric bypass just over a year ago (on April 4 last year), and was very happy when he told her she had lost just of 6 lbs since her last visit (late January).
Oh, mum was gonna miss telling you -- but the reason she wont take me out when it gets hot (except for my walkies early in the morning) is because my leg hurts somewhat from my Valley Fever. She has not been able to take me to the Vet because it will cost over $400!!!!!! I also want to remind all my buddies here that my GoFundMe page is still up.
Well, mum has some other stuff to do, so has told me that his is all I can write for now.
ttfn and toodle pip
Anyway. all of her phone numbers transferred over, but none of the photos!!! Guess she will have to take more pics of us all.
Yesterday (Monday) mum went to see the Bariatric Doctor who did her gastric bypass just over a year ago (on April 4 last year), and was very happy when he told her she had lost just of 6 lbs since her last visit (late January).
Oh, mum was gonna miss telling you -- but the reason she wont take me out when it gets hot (except for my walkies early in the morning) is because my leg hurts somewhat from my Valley Fever. She has not been able to take me to the Vet because it will cost over $400!!!!!! I also want to remind all my buddies here that my GoFundMe page is still up.
Well, mum has some other stuff to do, so has told me that his is all I can write for now.
ttfn and toodle pip
Sunday, March 18, 2018
This has been a rough week or so for mum. Her Oldest sister who lived in Seattle had been in the hospital. She had some surgery and then apparently had a major heart attack. Mum had only been told that Ros was having some "minor" surgery. (The reasoning for this goes way way back to when they were kids and because of mum's "hole in the heart" situation, the family were told to treat her "with kid gloves" basically, so she was always the last to find out about most things -- a long story which I may be able to get her to tell you all about some other time.) Anyway, Ros had open heart surgery this past Tuesday and things appeared to be going along ok -- or as ok as possible for an 80 year old with iffy health. Mum forgot that her other sister, Dianne, was having cataract surgery on Thursday, and when she had not heard from Dianne by Friday afternoon, she called her. At that point all seemed well. Dianne was recovering from her cataract surgery ok, but mum and she got into an argument over things that had happened years ago -- another long story for another time. Anyway, thing seemed to be going ok until Saturday afternoon when Dianne called to sa that Ros had died. Now, mum is upset because she does not know how to find the money to get to Seattle!!!! Mum got online and checked out airlines and if she flies from Phoenix to Seattle it is about $400 less. There is a shuttle from Tucson to Phoenix, but it will be a hassle. She also has to find out if he can take me with and what papers, etc. she will need for me. I will also mention that mum had tummy troubles on Friday and Saturday morning. Fortunately (for me, anyway) on Friday she started after she had taken me out to do my biznez but Saturday it started earlier, and so she could not take me out. She also forgot to feed me till about 3 pm!!!!!! She told me I was a very good girl cos I did not have an accident in the house. Oh, and I should mention that on Friday we met my "good Samaritan" who helped out when I had my little "incident" a couple of weeks ago. Mum was talking to him while he was eating a really good smelling samwich that I was eagerly sniffing and they were both ignoring!!! But to get back to mum -- needless to say me and the kitties have been giving mum lots of hugs and kisses to make her feel better. I am trying to convince her to put up a GoFundMe page to see if we can get some help. She would be flying out on Tuesday and coming back either Thursday evening or Friday. She will meet Dianne in seattle and Dianne had hotel points for the Marriott and mum will take some of her special shakes etc with her.
I want to go and give her more hugs and kisses so I am gonna end now -- will talk more later.
ttfn and toodle pip
Cookie (who is giving mum lots of tlc)
I want to go and give her more hugs and kisses so I am gonna end now -- will talk more later.
ttfn and toodle pip
Cookie (who is giving mum lots of tlc)
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